boasts some of the finest minds and staff in the industry. Our Associates constantly innovate, revise and develop best practices, assuring and developing our own productivity and continuing to improve the service we provide to our clients.

We offer expert consultancy on various import and export related matters. Our scope of services included for

Advance Duty Free Authorization for all items (DES)
Authorization under Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme
Duty Free Import Authorization (DFIA)
Specific License for restricted items (Negative List License)
Annual Advance Authorization
Vishesh Krishi & Gram Udyog Yojana Scheme (VKGUY)
Focus Market Scheme (FMS)
Focus Product Scheme (FPS)
Hi-tech Product Export Promotion Scheme (HPEPS)
Revalidation of import license
Extension & Enhancement of import License
Closure of license / Redemption (Various schemes such as EPCG, DES, DFIA, etc., Export Obligation Discharge Certificates (EODC))
Fixation/Modification of Standard Input Out Norms (SION) for Advance License
Issue/Renewal of Status Holder Certificate Star Trading/Super Star Trading House
Registration with Export Promotion Council (RCMC)
Deemed Exports
Duty Drawback – Fixation of DBK rates
Duty Drawback – on All Industry Rate
Drawback and Terminal Excise Duty Refund